

"Why do you try so hard to fit in, when you're born to stand out"


Farmer's Market!

Farmer's Market!

Saturday mornings call for a trip to the Farmer's Market! This weekend we went to a local favorite, small but quaint. Fresh veggies, sweet treats and unique finds. We explored all the different tents, got an education about Honey and met some pretty awesome people. We did a little shopping, the boys smoked their cigars, and we ended the day with a late brunch at Egg Harbor.  Such a wonderful Saturday. I counted this as a BAM day, because it was my 1st Farmer's Market this summer!

What did we come home with? I bought some super healthy granola, yummmm, and a mystery muffin. Yes, you read that right, a MYSTERY muffin. It was delicious! Basically, it is all the leftover batter from each different muffin mixed into oneslap your butt muffin. Mike came home with some Cherry jam, because what's a Farmer's Market without some good ol' jam? And mini donuts, of course. Nathan bought some organic, homemade lip balm, and fresh cherries, And Steff bought some fresh Kale, Cherries and blueberries. It was a bountiful day :)


Shout out to my amazing boyfriend Mike, for taking most of these pics! You da best!



BAM starts with a bike!

BAM starts with a bike!